Pipeline Modification Documentation

The CM Pipeline allows for macros and modifications that developers can insert. You will be able to modify the pipeline in the two following ways:

Using your own clustering method

First, to use your own clustering method, follow both of these procedures:

I. Inserting your clustering method into CM++

  1. From root, navigate to the hm01/clusterers/external_clusterers/ directory
  2. Create a clusterer object that calls your clustering method. Here is a template:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Iterator, Dict, Union

from hm01.clusterers.abstract_clusterer import AbstractClusterer

from hm01.graph import Graph, IntangibleSubgraph, RealizedSubgraph

class TemplateClusterer(AbstractClusterer):

    def __init__(args):
        # Create a clusterer object. Args is the arguments of the clusterer
        # Ex. Leiden-CPM would have resolution as an arg

    def cluster(self, graph: Union[Graph, RealizedSubgraph]) -> Iterator[IntangibleSubgraph]:
        # Return an iterator of intangible subgraphs representing your resultant clusters

def getclusterer(args):
    # Construct the clusterer object from the args
    return TemplateClusterer(args)

    # Ex. Leiden-CPM's clusterer would be getclusterer(resolution)
  1. Then when you call CM++, you will create a JSON file mapping arguments to their values. Here is a template/example
    "arg": "val",
    "resolution": 0.5 
  1. Then, when you call CM++, you can do the following:
python -m hm01.cm 
    -i network.tsv 
    -e clustering.tsv
    -cfile hm01/clusterers/MyWrapper.py
    -cargs MyArguments.json
    -t 1log10

II. Inserting your clustering method into the pipeline

  1. Navigate to source/clusterers/
  2. Create a python object file to wrap your clustering method. Here is a template:
from source.clustering import Clustering

class LeidenModClustering(Clustering):
    def __init__(

    def initialize_clustering(self):
        self.output_file = [
            # process list of parameter sets into output file names
            # For example, if Leiden CPM has parameter set 
            #   [{
            #       "res": 0.5,
            #       "i": 2
            #   }, {
            #       "res": 0.1,
            #       "i": 1
            #   }]
            # You will need two output files. One for res-0.5-i2 and one for res-0.1-i1
            for param in self.params

    def get_stage_commands(self, project_root, prev_file):
        # Write code that returns an array of shell commands that run your clustering method.
        # The array of commands needs to be per, and in the same order, as your params set
        # Refer to self.params
  1. Navigate to source/typedict.py. In the cluster_classes dictionary.
  2. Add a mapping from your clustering algorithm name to the object that you had created. Remember to import your clusterer! E. 'mcl': MCL.
  3. To run the pipeline with your new clusterer. Do the following:
  4. Create a json file (refer to pipeline.json for an example) containing the parameter set that you would like to run for your method. This set will have multiple sets of parameters if you want to have multiple runs of your pipeline.
  5. If your clusterer doesnt take any parameters, your "params" field will look like: "params": [{}]
  6. In the case that CM++ is in your pipeline, make sure your stage has "cfile" in the parameters. Note that you do not need a "cargs" parameter as the pipeline will automatically create an args json.
  7. Run python -m main pipeline.json from root.

Example: Infomap

  1. First, I created the infomap wrapper as shown in this file.
  2. The cluster method simply uses python's Infomap library, and converts the outputs into hm01 IntangibleSubgraph objects.
  3. The get_clusterer method doesn't take any arguments since InfoMap doesn't require any parameters
  4. Second, in this clusterer object, I created a clusterer object for the pipeline.
  5. InfoMap is quite simple, it doesn't take any parameters and it doesn't have any extra requirements, so the __init__ method doesn't need any more than it has.
  6. The initialize_clustering method simply sets its output file name.
    1. You want output in the relevant directory. For infomap, that was f{self.working_dir}/infomap/.
    2. For your method, you should refer to the self.get_folder_name(param) method, where param is the current parameter dictionary.
  7. The get_stage_commands method converts the stage object data into a runnable shell command by the pipeline. I have made a run_infomap script that the CM pipeline can call.
  8. In the typedict file, I have added keys for infomap

Creating your own pipeline stage

  1. Navigate to source/
  2. Create an empty stage object. Start with this template. Replace names according to your preferences:
from source.stage import Stage

class MyStage(Stage):
    def __init__(

    def initialize(self, data):        
        # This method sets required parameters of your stage
        # The data argument is the stage data in the json (dict)

        self.chainable = # Can the outputs of this stage be used as an input for the next?
        self.outputs_clustering = # Does this stage output a clustering or something else?

        self.output_file = # What filename does this stage output?

    def get_stage_commands(self, project_root, prev_file):
        # Return an array of commands that the pipeline will execute when it reaches this stage
  1. Navigate to source/typedict.py
  2. In stage_classes, modify the disctionary to map a string representing your stage, to the object you created. Make sure to import your code!
  3. Now, when writing your pipeline.json, simply add your stage in the "stages" array. Use the name specified in the previous step, and the arguments processed in your code.

Mincut Filter

TODO: This should be tested, and documented here

The Stage and Clusterer Objects

Extensions of AbstractClusterer

To view source code for the abstract class, see here. Objects extending the AbstractClusterer object must have the following:

class IkcClusterer(AbstractClusterer):
    k: int

Extensions of Stage

To view the abstract class, click here. Any extension of Stage must contain the following:

Extensions of Clustering

Clustering is already an extension of Stage. To view the parent object, see the code here. Any extension of the clustering object should have:

Submitting your Changes

To make your new stages and clustering methods a part of the official repo:

  1. Create a fork of this repository
  2. Insert your new clustering methods and stages
  3. Create a pull request and we will review and approve it